Behaviour & Rewards

We believe it is important to set early ground rules for good behaviour, to clear the way for great learning and ensure that our whole school community can get the most benefit from their time with us.

High standards of behaviour and wellbeing are fundamentally linked to pupils' academic engagement and ability to reach their full potential, which is key to our educational vision for achieving ambitious academic outcomes.

We use SHINE as a prompt for our expectation of pupils behaviour in the classroom and around the school. SHINE is an acronym for:

  • Sit (stand) up straight
  • Hands folded in your lap (by your side)
  • In your own space
  • No noise
  • Eyes on the speaker (looking forward)

Our rewards for exceptional effort and behaviour include:

  • House points
  • Headteacher awards
  • SHINE awards
  • Stars cards

Pupils enjoy celebrating their achievements in our celebration assemblies, which are held every Friday.

Behaviour Policy