
ASC 2267

3.30 pm - 4.00 pm  -  Electives happen twice a week for all pupils. These are high-quality, optional enrichment clubs that are led by members of staff and external providers and run after school, free of charge (*). 

Activities on offer vary during the year but previous examples have included: instrument tuition, gymnastics, karate, ballet, choir, running club and yoga.

We also offer before and after school club provision - https://www.setyoursights.net/charles-darwin-primary-school-1



For more information please contact the office using the link below:

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Our electives allow all of our pupils to explore areas that they perhaps never have done before, widening their horizons and providing them with further choices and interests for their future lives. 

Our electives are run primarily by members of the Charles Darwin team. Where an elective is run by an external provider, we ensure that they are providing high-quality activities and opportunities for our pupils and adapting to fit the needs of our children. 

The elective programme also allows pupils to begin to make choices for themselves and help to shape their future learning and careers. All students also have the chance here to build upon important life skills such as social interaction, independence, creativity, physical capability and communication and language skills.