Summary of key findings for parents
At the previous full Ofsted inspections published in May 2019, the nursery was rated Good.
Parents can give their views about the nursery and see what other parents have said on the Ofsted Parent View site.
Ofsted rated our nursery provision as Good.
- Staff plan a wide range of exciting and imaginative activities that children of all ages enjoy. Staff have a very clear understanding of how children learn and they use many effective strategies to encourage children's high levels of participation in activities. For instance, they ask open-ended questions and make 'I wonder...' comments to help children to think and explain their thoughts.
- Since registration, the leaders and managers have worked hard to continually develop the quality of the nursery. They are ambitious and have high expectations for staff and children. There are clear plans in place for future improvement.
- Staff help children to settle when they first start attending the nursery. Children develop strong attachments to their key person. Staff attend training on supporting children's mental health. They place a high priority on monitoring children's well-being and helping them to be self-assured and confident individuals.
- Parents speak very highly of staff and are very pleased with the progress their children make. They describe the nursery as 'nurturing and child centred'. Children are quickly developing the skills they require for starting school. They are motivated to learn and engage well in their self-chosen play.
- Children have many opportunities for outdoor play. They explore the bug hotel, create a 'castle' with construction shapes and explore 'sticky' spaghetti. Children play well together. They show care and consideration for their friends and staff.
- Older children learn to link letters to sounds and enjoy practising saying their 'bouncy' and 'stretchy' sounds. Mathematics is taught effectively through children's play and everyday experiences, such as counting how many pieces of apple they have for their morning snack.
- Occasionally, staff miss opportunities to extend children's self-care skills and developing independence.
- Strategies to support parents to continue their children's learning at home are not fully embedded.
Parents speak very highly of staff and are very pleased with the progress their children make. They describe the nursery as 'nurturing and child centred'. Ofsted